June is my favourite month. You know why?

Because my beautiful roses start blossoming in June, that’s why!

Here they are:

This rose I brought in a little pot from Hever Castle 7 years ago and it never fail to delight me ever since. Here is is “before and after”, i.e. in buds and now in full flowering glory


This little beauty called “Irish Eyes” changes it’s colour from red to orange to yellow while it blossoms:


My mother-in-law gave this red rose to me for my birthday and just look at it!


And these are some of the other beautiful blooms I enjoy every time I go out to my garden.

rose 1







Beauty in little things

I love flowers. Roses are my favourite (surprise!) – but, honestly, I do grow them in my garden, put a lot of work and effort in it and so I can say that 🙂

But sometimes little modest spring flowers take your breath away as well as the most gorgeous ones…



“And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.”
–  Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sorry for my absence!


This is the reason I haven’t written anything here in ages, haven’t painted anything or done any sewing for the same period of time.

The SPRING has come and it is the one to blame.

There is just so much to do! Consider this: tidy up the garden after all those winter months of neglect. Prune the roses, fruit trees, anything untidy or scruffy.

Saw the innumerous amount of seeds, vegetable and flower. Look after them, thinking all the time “Will it sprout or not?”

Well, they did. All two million of them. Then I had to replant the seedlings, etc.

Then I run out of the windowsills in my house. So up went the greenhouses (see the photo above)

All this busy time I stopped from time to time and looked around. And what I saw reconciled me with all the labour done or which is still to come my way:

spring garden3

I am really happy, really, to do all these jobs as I know that the result will – eventually! – be my garden full of beautiful flowers, bright colors and buzzing bees and fluttering butterflies. In one word – my own private paradise! It will be worth it. It has been, every year.

spring garden2 spring garden1

But you know what? I started really missing my art… Hmmm… Break in gardening and comeback of art? I think so!

Keep sorting out my Cushions – small groups now :)


I made various cushions on several occasions which I would divide like that:



I played with purple colours on this one


Loved the pale blue colour and I thought the white daisies would look good on it


This is my personal favorite of the three.

There are only three of them in this category as I realized later I prefer animals 🙂


Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle



Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie



My younger daughter persuaded me to make them as she was into My Little Pony at the time



My daughter made the sketches for them

Again, made under my daughter’s influence. She keeps changing her interests and I have to oblige…



This time it started with me making a couple of these cushions for my friend and then making them for sale…



One more group left 🙂


If you’d like to see them all and my other stuff you can find it here

Spring in my garden… Keeps me busy!

God, I was so busy with gardening just lately! As soon as the sun was out (albeit not for long 😦 ) there was so much to do!

I love it though. I love my flowers and colours and when everything is just like I want it.


This is my apple tree now.

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Last year it was laden with apples but it doesn’t look all this promising this year… We’ll just have to wait and see

I managed to make a cushion cover never the less, so watch this space!

I love English countryside!

As the weather started to look like the spring (at last!) we went for a little drive in the countryside last Sunday. I love English countryside! The green and brown fields, gentle hills, hedgerows, clean blue skies… A huge pheasant sitting in the plowed field… Bright golden daffodils at the roadside… Clouds of white blossom in the orchards… So beautiful!

We wanted to have a look at a little fishing lake where my husband is going to fish, it is quite small,is  in the middle of nowhere and flooded at the moment 🙂 So we couldn’t really go far.

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There were loads of huge frogs sunbathing at the water edge and when we came closer they all leaped back into water with very loud ‘splash-splash-splash’. It was very funny…

The little lake is all surrounded by dry reeds and a thicket of bramble and on this background a flowering tree looked unexpectedly bright…


All in all it was a gorgeous day!